Saturday, May 25, 2013

Weight Watchers

I've been a Weight Watchers member for over 4 years now! My journey started in 2009. It was January, and I was in a horrible relationship, and lucky for me it ended. But when it did, I was this person, who was really lost, emotionally, physically, and mentally. I was just under 290lbs, and I was in denial for long enough about my weight. I had originally joined in 2007, and my weight then was 254lbs, and I got down to 220lbs, and then I got lazy and I also thought I knew enough of what to do on my own, and I stopped going to my meetings. So on January 17, 2009 I made a commitment to change my life for something better. I joined a gym, and started to watch what I was eating, and slowly the weight came off, but I knew I needed more, because I was my worst enemy. So on March 10th, I walked into my former meeting room with my old leader, and thus the journey began. By then I had already lost 25lbs so I knew I could handle what was next. It was a bittersweet feeling too, because my leader remembered who I was, and I kinda felt like I let her down, by not succeeding the last time I was on that journey, so I was 100% determined to make this my goal.

The weight came of fast and I was really proud of who I was becoming. Then Weight Watchers introduced it's 5k challenge, and I stepped up to the plate, and ran my first 5k on June 14th, 2009! It was a small race and I remember constantly feeling like I was crazy for trying this and I was ready to just give up, but my brother who ran with me, came back for me after he crossed the finish and he pushed me through the end, and I don't remember my exact time but it was some where in the 45 minute range. I was so proud of myself, for doing it, I couldn't believe what I was able to do, and that race alone gave me the drive to continue on my journey.

And now here I am today, having just finished my 4th half marathon! I'm about 75lbs down now, I've been struggling recently again, but it hasn't been so bad. I'm not making horrible choices, but I got lazy, and from running so much I found that I was eating more than I needed to. So one of the main reasons I started this blog was to help myself again. I'm not that far from my goal, I've already lost the majority of my weight, now I just need to get to this finish line, and just continue trying my hardest to get there. And I'm hoping that by sharing my thoughts and feelings here on this blog, I hope it helps me stay on track.

The journey isn't easy, but this time I haven't quit, and that's why I've continued to be successful! And I hope anyone that reads this and is looking for motivation, knows that with time, patience, and dedication, you too can be a success. Everyone has their own journey, never compare yourself to someone else's journey, because that alone can cause you to stop what your doing for yourself. I've been doing this for four years and in the last few years my losses have been tiny! But all those teeny tiny losses, have added up to big numbers. And eventually you learn that its not the number on the scale that's important anymore its, the lifestyle that is. If you can commit yourself to a healthier way of living, I promise you that you will find more out of life, and enjoy who you become in the process.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Let's Get to Know Me

So, for my first blog post, I'm sitting here wondering what the hell I can possibly write about! The most obvious would be about myself, but then I don't want to sound soooo self centered! Ha!

I'm 29, living in New York, with my boyfriend and my fur baby, Mandy. I come from a huge family, so there's a lot of love in my heart for each and every one that's part of it.

I love to read, love most sports, but most of all I love running. Running has saved my life. Before I became a runner, I was on a destructive path, and no one could help me, because I simply wouldn't let them. But we will save that for another post, way too much detail and drama for my first post!

I also love my city, and love discovering the secrets within. I love reality television! Trashy TV is the best! While I do enjoy going to the movies, I'm not crazy about them.

Music, music, music... it feeds my soul, its the soundtrack to my dreams and wishes, but its also something I cannot be without. Do I have a favorite band, or type of music? Yes and no. I love artists like Linkin Park, Metallica, Adele, Green Day, and Gwen Stefani, but there is sooo much music out there I will not limit myself to just one type! Also being a runner, I'm a runner who listens while I run, and I listen to very fast, upbeat tunes! So music, bottom line is one thing I cannot be without.

I studied journalism in college, and unfortunately things in life happened, and I never got my foot in the door, but that's ok, the path I'm on now is totally ok with me. So I'm kind of a news junkie! Always checking,, and of course the tabloids,! I can engulf myself in the news of the world for hours! I'm always intrigued to know what's going on elsewhere in the world outside my little bubble of life! A lot of news is depressing but it makes me grateful for what I have.

So this is just a sneak peak into the person I am, hopefully along the way, you, who ever you are, will learn more about me, and enjoy this blog. If not then simply exit the page, and leave your negativity at the door.

This blog will be about whatever I feel like posting about. Which will be about my journey on Weight Watchers, my life as a runner mostly, but I will include my thoughts on love, sadness, happiness, current events, and just about anything in between.

So thank you for being here, and hopefully I can keep this up!

Til Next Time,

Keep it Real, Keep it Classy, Keep it Positive!
