Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Just One of Those Days!

Although things have been pretty awesome lately, there's always something that makes me feel like punching a wall. An obnoxious co-worker, silly spats with my man, stupid people on the subway, etc... you name it, today was that day, to just annoy me in every way! And to top it off, I had left my gym bag home! Now, my routine is to take my gym bag to work with me everyday, unless I go for run, because the gym is on my way home, so I have no excuse to not go. So today, after a crazy, busy, pressure filled day at work, I was ready to go home, and just do nothing. But then I knew that would drive me insane also, and I didn't feel like running outside, so I got dressed, and went back towards the gym.
I'm so glad I did, I felt such release of all the tension I was feeling!! I ran two miles, then took a kickboxing class, and I was beat, but felt awesome at the same time; I love that feeling! My instructor even hit a nerve, when towards the end of class people were dropping like flies, and he said, " oh come on, it's not like any of you run half marathons, or marathons!?!?" Sorry to disappoint pal, but I'll be running my fifth half marathon in October! Smart ass! But that just made me feel even better that I pushed through my entire workout and didn't just give up and call it quits.
Oh, and I finally picked up the sunglasses I won from the Oakley store in Times Square! The staff there was so nice, so many of them came up to me just to say congrats, and ask about my running history, it was awesome! I even got to try on a few pairs, before choosing the pair I liked, which were the Oakley Urgency, with polarized lenses. They cost $180, and I'm so lucky and grateful that I was chosen to win a pair! Check em out!
Til next time loves!! Stay happy, eat healthy, and sweat like you never have before! Xoxo! 

Friday, June 14, 2013

When Good Things Happen

I'm not one to dwell on negativity, nor am I someone who likes to talk about my problems. But, recently things have been rough for me, but I'm coping and always hopeful that there's always a brighter side.
I'm lucky that I have a wonderful family, great friends, the most awesome dog ever, and I'm in the best relationship of my life. So when I feel like my life sucks, and that things are falling apart, I tell myself it could be worse.  And for a little while, it was a lot worse for me. I had so many issues to deal with, and it was such a dark, and sad time for me, that I had to drastically change my life to make it better. And I have in so many ways, and that's why there's I know I can make it through anything.
So this week, was the best week I've had in a long time. Coming fresh off my finish of the 10k on Saturday, I was feeling really good and upbeat. The beginning of the week started with some good news for my boyfriend, he landed a position at work he really wanted. Then we finally planned a mini getaway in a couple of weeks, and we are both so excited to leave the craziness of New York for a few days! Then I was contacted by a fitness company, asking me if they could suit me up at my next race with their brand! How freaking awesome is that?!!!? Not sure if I will wear their clothing yet, I'm still making sure that they're legit, before I commit to anything, but still I feel great that I've come so far to even be thought in that context!!! Yay for me!!! What a self esteem boost!!! But wait there's more! Just the other day on Instagram, (follow me @kata_razzi) I had entered a contest that Oakley was having at the Mini 10k, and won! You had to choose a pair of sunglasses you liked, and post it, and hashtag it! Couldn't believe I was chosen, and the best part too was that a fellow runner, someone who inspires me to keep going, The Awesome Mom, had also won the pair she wore!! Hopefully we can finally talk, and take a pic together at the Achilles run later this month!

And then to end the week, I got some good news at work, a new schedule, that looks like it will allow me more free time to workout, and attend Weight Watchers meetings. I'm so happy! This week was full of good things, not just for myself, but for others as well. And I'm looking forward to my upcoming races, my mini vacay, the arrival of my boyfriends' parents, who will be visiting for a whole month in a few weeks, and our camping trip in July! So far the summer is looking good, I couldn't ask for more!!

Stay Positive my Loves! Good things do happen, you just have to wait out the storm every once in awhile!

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Oakley New York Mini 10k

What a beautiful day! Seriously! Last night and all day yesterday we had non stop rain, due to Tropical Storm Andrea, so I was happy to see that it wasn't raining when I woke up this morning, and the day turned out to be beautiful.

The Mini 10k, is an all women road race, by the NYRR, they started the race 41 years ago, and back then it was sponsored by Leggs, and it was called the Mini for mini-skirts! This year it was sponsored by Oakley Women, they provided a raffle, an Instagram contest (still hoping I win the glasses I tried on!), and each runner received a very awesome race day tank!

I wasn't really nervous for this race, I didn't train much, I took a 3 week hiatus from my regular workouts, only working out a couple of times during the week, with some short runs. But once I arrived to the race, I was so excited, I couldn't believe how many women I seen, and all I kept thinking, women really are incredible!


  I started off fast and quick! I ran the first 3 miles in less than 30 min! My pace was 9:54, and that was the fastest I've ever run during an event! But I also knew I needed to slow down because the hills in Central Park are tough! And sure enough I started struggling after the first 5k, but I pushed through every step, and got over those hills and finished around 1:06:45, and that's according to my watch and gps app, because NYRR has my time as 1:10:31, which is way off for me, so I'm hoping they'll fix it soon! I worked hard for my actual time!!

Afterwards there was a little after party in the Oakley tent, with a photo booth for a finisher shot, and a chance to try on and win a pair of glasses. There was also a raffle, and some runners started a party to the music, it was awesome!! It was a gorgeous day, and I am so proud of my finish, and all the women who came together to run today.