Monday, July 27, 2015

It's Week 5!

Holy crap! It's the beginning of week 5 of marathon training! Time flies, it's amazing how fast it goes! But so far I've done really great with my training, I'm getting my runs in, cross training, and my diet hasn't been horrible! After 4 weeks of training I'm down 3.6lbs for the month, and for me that's fantastic because I lose weight really slowly, and so far it's on pace for how much I hope to lose by the end of training.
Figuring out rest days has been the hardest of all. My training plan calls for 4 runs a week, my sister and I take spin class every Friday together, and then I try to fit cross training in there like kickboxing. So far I've been exercising 6 days a week, so my slow weight loss has been discouraging, but I've been feeling pretty amazing, so I'm trying not to let it get to me! 
I also found a kickboxing class I really love near my neighborhood through ClassPass! They use real heavy bags, and you get a full body workout from class! One half of the class is combos on the bag with high intensity intervals, and the other half is strength training, which is where I feel the weakest. It gets a little discouraging, because I suck at push ups, burpees, and most ab exercises, but I'm trying my best and hopefully I'll see some improvement soon! My favorite is punching the bag of course! It feels so good to let out the frustration and just exert all the negative energy into the workout and come out so much better at the end! 
Week 5 & 6 are busy!!! This week is gonna be a challenge to fit all my runs in but I'm gonna try and do morning runs if I have to. So far I have class at Crunch tonight, running tomorrow, probably AM runs on Wednesday and Thursday since I have a going away dinner, and a workout at New Balance Girls Night Out, then spin class Friday with my sister, and Team Championships Saturday morning with my team, and my long run! Yea, that kinda busy! I'm not even going into next week, but it's very similar, and that's just what comes with marathon training!!  But as long as I'm enjoying it, it will be all worth it come November 1st!! 

Thursday, July 16, 2015

My Ride or Die

Marathon training is in full swing, meaning sometimes I'm too busy to even remember everything I need to accomplish around training! I'm getting all my runs in, but so far I feel more hectic than last year. Last year my runs were consistently on Tues, Wed, Thurs, & Saturday's, but I'm on week three and I've done runs on Sunday and Monday, miles in the morning, or rearranged my runs around the classes I've taken! I'm hoping August will be more like last year, this month of July has been hectic so far, but I'm hanging in there, and just staying focused on my goal of getting to the finish line healthy and strong this year! 
The newest change to my training has been my fiancĂ©! This past weekend we went to Sports Authority and he purchased a hybrid bike! When I first met him he used to have a bike and he rode everywhere, to work, to the city, it was his only mode of transportation, he hardly used the subway. But when his bike got damaged a few years ago we never replaced it, and for him it made him out of shape. So buying this bike was something he wanted for so long and I was so happy because I've wanted him to get a new one for so long also because I know he loved it so much. 
The best part was once we got the bike we left the store and we decided I'd do my long run, and he'd ride with me! It was great having him there to push me along the way, and it was nice to finally feel like we were doing something active that we both enjoyed together! 
The next day when he got home from work, which was supposed to be a rest day, he asked me to put my running gear on and run, while he came along with me. I wasn't expecting it but it worked out and we had fun, laughing, talking, and exploring our neighborhood. 
It's nice to have him there, he has water with him, so I'm able to test my hydration, and he looks out for my safety, which I secretly find sexy, but don't tell him that! Like yesterday he came out with me on my run, and he rode ahead of me for awhile, and when I finally caught up to him I noticed him waiting for me on the side, where a group of guys were causing ruckus, and he waited til I ran past them to follow me again, it was sweet! I know he was just being protective but it felt nice to have him be there for me. 
Overall this week has been a success, I've tracked all my food, my guy is getting active, did all my training runs, and I'm set up for a pretty awesome weekend! I have spin class Friday night with my sister, followed by my long run Saturday and a kickboxing class I'm going to try also, and I'm supposed to be volunteering at this years NYC Triathalon on Sunday too! Can't complain, life is good! 

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Sometimes all you need are drumsticks!

On Monday after work I took a class at Crunch Fitness thanks to the awesome ClassPass! The class was called "Pound", and it's a low impact aerobic class that uses drumsticks! You do movements in tune with the music, and use the drumsticks with the movements either tapping them on the floor or over head. I have zero choreography skills so it usually takes me a few classes until I can keep up with the beats, but this class was pretty easy, and at the end I was drenched! I loved it but it was only 30 mins long, I could've gone for 30 more! That and Bootcamp on Sunday left me completely sore yesterday, and I love it! I mean come on, it hurts, but that's only our bodies telling us that it's working!! Can't wait to take another class again soon!! 

Monday, July 6, 2015

The Fat Kid in Class

So in my post yesterday, I was talking about all the perks having joined ClassPass and how I was a nervous wreck about taking Barry's Bootcamp for the first time! Well, I took the class, and I survived! But boy was that class such a challenge for me!!
I signed up for the Full Body workout, and I think everyday since I signed up I've been a nervous wreck! I've been on Google looking for all the information I could on the workout, all I wanted to know is if regular people like myself could actually get in a workout and do everything that was asked! But all I found online was how this was the workout to the stars and how hard it was instead! So all week all I could think of was how I'd be the weakest one in the class and that I wouldn't keep up and basically make myself look like a joke! 
The day of the class I was pacing all over my apartment just telling myself that I could get through it, it was only 50 mins and it would be over before I knew it! That really didn't help me, I seriously told myself that I'd rather run the NYC Marathon that day  than take this class! What in the world was I thinking!?!? 
So as I arrived to the studio I was even more intimidated when I saw the model like photos of the instructors plastered to the glass, and the camo militant theme from the outside. I mean could I feel any less fit than I already do?? But I told myself everyone has to start somewhere right!?
When I was all checked in, I was waiting with the rest of the class outside the studio, and ordered a peanut butter smoothie for post class, because in reality I just needed something to look forward to after class was over, in case this crazy idea of mine was a bust! 
Anyway when we were finally let inside, I felt a little better knowing this was coming to an end soon! The room is set up with mirrors all over the room, with treadmills against the wall on one side and then steppers set up on the opposite side. We were instructed that we'd be starting on the treadmills for class and then doing floor work later. As the the instructor told us to start warming up he also asked if anyone was new, and I introduced myself to him, and he told me what to expect, but that if I needed to, to take it at my own pace. 
We started and he started calling out commands to run at a speed of a 5-8, which I was ok at a 5, but then he said to increase the incline to a 6%, and that's where I started to struggle! So I never made it past a 5.7 on the treadmill, but I kept running anyway, and it was so hard because I really hate the treadmill, but I pushed through it. When we were ready to hit the floor the instructor told females to grab 10-15 lb weights, and the guys, 20-25 lbs, and I gladly took the smallest 8 lb weights they had, which was still heavy for me because I usually go for the 5 lbs or less! The lunges, squats, and presses with the weights were easy, but the countless bur-pees, push ups, walking push ups, and triceps push ups, made my arms so dead! I was a sweaty hot mess, front and center in the class, while everyone else was doing just fine with their heavy weights! And just when I thought we were almost done, we had to hit the treadmills one more time. After the floor work my legs were already shaking, and telling me no girl, not now, but I got on it and pushed through the best I could without giving up. I was ready to crawl under a rock because at moments I felt silly for even thinking I could be a part of this class, but I was doing it even if it wasn't as great as anyone else. We were back to the floor, and it was time for ab work. Ab work is the worst for me, we were doing bicycle crunches, and I could barely move my legs, and then we had to keep them straight up and do crunches, and that wasn't cute either. But once the instructor said we only had two moves left, I realized, I just did this, I took a class that scared the daylights outta me, but I pushed through and made it! 
At the end I was in tears, tears of pure pride and joy, I couldn't really feel anything else, I just felt proud of myself for not wimping out. And then as I walked out of class the instructor said to me, " Hey! You didn't die! Great work today!" and that made me want to go back for more, and I will because it felt so awesome after class. 

I was on a high the whole day, I used to give up on myself so easily in the past, but with marathon training in full swing, I feel like I can at least try to better myself, and try new things to keep me motivated. I want to be stronger than I am today on November 1st, and I want to know that I trained, and put in all the hours of hard work to get to the finish line strong and healthy. 

Sunday, July 5, 2015

ClassPass Adventures

So earlier this week I started marathon training! Eeep! So many emotions were running wild through my head thinking of all the preparation necessary and how my life is pretty much over for the next 4 months! It's exciting because that it remains as one of the best days of my life, but I'm also nervous and scared because I just hope my mind and body can get through the training again. Last year I used Hal Higdon's Novice 1 plan and since it worked wonders for me then, I've decided to go with it once again this year. Last year my only regret with training was that I didn't incorporate enough cross training or strength training in my plan. Which is so hard when everyday life needs tending to also, training already takes up so much time, so to commit to even more time to train, is hard to process! But this year I'm gonna try and throw in other workouts on  non running days, starting with spin. Spin makes my legs feel refreshed for a long run, but also helps with recovery! And since I've been spinning at least once a week since the winter I want to continue and maybe pick it up to twice a week.
But let's face it, workout classes are expensive, but going to the gym and hopping on the elliptical, and trying to make sense of the weight machines just isn't cutting it for me anymore! Alas a solution in the form of an app called ClassPass is here to save the day! I was introduced to the concept from my running friend, Kathleen, who has nothing but good things to say about the app and how it works! You basically sign up for a monthly fee of $79 or $99 depending on your location, and you get access to all the classes on the ClassPass network all month long! No limit to how many classes per month, but there is a limit of 3 studio visits per month, which still works out because there are so many options to choose from! The average rate of classes in NYC is around $30-$35 a class so just 3-4 classes in a month will pay itself off, but you still can take more than that in a month! So I signed up this week, and I plan on canceling my gym membership, and I hope I can commit to this! I already love taking spin classes at Peloton but now I can take classes there and other studios I don't know about yet!
In the palm of your hand are no more excuses for not working out, there is literally something for everyone! And living in NYC I think it's perfect for variety in addition to my marathon training! So the first class I took was a spin class at Swerve Fitness, and I had been the studio in the past but never went back because it was too expensive for classes. But once I hopped back in the saddle I felt at home, and glad that I can go there 3 times a month now! 
Today I'm freaking out and shaking a bit because I'm currently en route to a Barry's Bootcamp class. The name should be enough to tell you it's no fun and games, this class is about business and and getting down and sweaty! The class consists of 25 minutes on the treadmill with sprints and intervals which I've never done, and that's making me scared because although I can run miles outside, I'm a terrible treadmill runner!! After the run portion of the class is the free weights part, and I heard the lightest weights they have are 8lbs and if that's the case my arms will be dead by the end of the first rep! I'm trying to convince myself that I'll be fine and I know I will be, but knowing how hard this class is, its giving me butterflies. But who knows maybe I'll love it and be hooked to hit!?!

Anyway I hope to write more soon, like right after class,that way I won't forget how I feel and I remember that for the next class!