Tuesday, May 26, 2015

What's going on?

Life has been so hectic the last couple of weeks!! My boss is currently on vacation, she'll be away for about 3 weeks, so in her absence I have to fill her role at work. So that means I've been pretty much swamped at work all day doing both of our jobs, and by the time I leave I'm so frazzled and stressed I don't have the energy for anything else! I've wanted to write a few other blogs but my brain is so exhausted from staring at my computer all day that I've hardly been on my phone and I've neglected my laptop! After work I'm  busy at my job at home! Ya know, cooking, cleaning, working out, and taking care of my dog and fiancĂ©! I think once my boss is back life will be a little easier and I'll be able to get more posts in! 
In the meantime I'm also getting excited because I will be traveling to Las Vegas in a few weeks for 5 days! My fiancé and I will be scouting possible wedding locations and enjoying some quality time together! My man has been working his butt off with two jobs and no days off in months! I admire him so much for being able to stick it out, but he's been doing it so we have the funds to enjoy ourselves out there and I can't wait! Just leave me at the pool with a drink and I'll be good!!
I did the Stephen Siller WTC stair climb on May 17th, and it was pretty tough for me considering that I ran the Brooklyn Half the day before! The stairwells were so hot, with no ventilation, but hearing the stories from other climbers directly affected by 9/11 was very inspiring that I would love to do it again next year! Just not the day after a half next time!! 
I also participated in the Color Run 5k at Citifield on Saturday! I was chosen as an ambassador a few months back, and had a few of my cousins join me on the run! I didn't think I'd have as much fun as I did, but it was a blast! My favorite part was running the field inside the stadium since I am a huge Mets fan! It was so cool, I was like a kid on Christmas, smiling from ear to ear the whole time! 
Honestly though the spots where we were supposed to get colored along the run hardly did any damage! When we got to the finish I was pretty clean, I was disappointed until we got to the post race festival, that's where we got covered in color and sparkle! The music was great, and it was a pretty sweet way to start the weekend! 
I get a little breather for a couple of weeks from racing! My next race isn't til June 13th for the women's Oakley 10k in Central Park, which I'm excited for because my girls on the running team will be coordinating outfits for the day! I also have two other races later in June which will set me up nicely right before marathon training begins again! 
Till then just running short miles and focusing on some strength training! I love running but a small break is healthy for recovery! Trying my best to keep up with the blogging, hope you guys are enjoying it so far!! Til next time, xoxo! 

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