Friday, May 8, 2015

5 Reasons I Run

This was an Instagram post originally but I think it's a topic worth sharing here. :)
1) Bc I never want to be who I was before 2009, it took a lot for me to get to where I am today, and I had to accept the ugly truth about lot of things about myself & the environment I was creating for myself at the time. But I found a strength in me that I never want to let go of, and with running I'm always one step ahead of the person I used to be!

2) Running has taken me places I've never imagined, I've run the entire tip of Manhattan, the 5 boroughs of NY, the Verrazano Bridge  (major!), Yankee Stadium, Bethlehem, PA, Hoboken, NJ, Las Vegas, and I can only imagine where else my feet will take me! It's pretty amazing to take in all the sites and sounds in different places, I love it!

3) Pizza!! I can eat a ton of pizza if it's realllllyyy good! So for almost every half marathon I've run, pizza is my carb loading choice of food! And my post run choice too....and my choice for any meal of the day!

4) My running family. My whole life I've always felt like I just never completely fit in socially, but this group of amazing individuals has made me feel like I have a second family! We all come from different places, but running unites us, and brings us together, for support, motivation, and life long friendships!

5) I run for me. Running has given me a second chance to live my life better. It has only done good things for me, and I never want to let go of it. Running makes me feel everything, sad, happy, angry, proud, excited, doubtful,'s made me feel raw emotion, and it's given me a relationship with myself that I love. And there's nothing better than loving yourself and knowing you are worth it! 

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