Tuesday, May 26, 2015

What's going on?

Life has been so hectic the last couple of weeks!! My boss is currently on vacation, she'll be away for about 3 weeks, so in her absence I have to fill her role at work. So that means I've been pretty much swamped at work all day doing both of our jobs, and by the time I leave I'm so frazzled and stressed I don't have the energy for anything else! I've wanted to write a few other blogs but my brain is so exhausted from staring at my computer all day that I've hardly been on my phone and I've neglected my laptop! After work I'm  busy at my job at home! Ya know, cooking, cleaning, working out, and taking care of my dog and fiancé! I think once my boss is back life will be a little easier and I'll be able to get more posts in! 
In the meantime I'm also getting excited because I will be traveling to Las Vegas in a few weeks for 5 days! My fiancé and I will be scouting possible wedding locations and enjoying some quality time together! My man has been working his butt off with two jobs and no days off in months! I admire him so much for being able to stick it out, but he's been doing it so we have the funds to enjoy ourselves out there and I can't wait! Just leave me at the pool with a drink and I'll be good!!
I did the Stephen Siller WTC stair climb on May 17th, and it was pretty tough for me considering that I ran the Brooklyn Half the day before! The stairwells were so hot, with no ventilation, but hearing the stories from other climbers directly affected by 9/11 was very inspiring that I would love to do it again next year! Just not the day after a half next time!! 
I also participated in the Color Run 5k at Citifield on Saturday! I was chosen as an ambassador a few months back, and had a few of my cousins join me on the run! I didn't think I'd have as much fun as I did, but it was a blast! My favorite part was running the field inside the stadium since I am a huge Mets fan! It was so cool, I was like a kid on Christmas, smiling from ear to ear the whole time! 
Honestly though the spots where we were supposed to get colored along the run hardly did any damage! When we got to the finish I was pretty clean, I was disappointed until we got to the post race festival, that's where we got covered in color and sparkle! The music was great, and it was a pretty sweet way to start the weekend! 
I get a little breather for a couple of weeks from racing! My next race isn't til June 13th for the women's Oakley 10k in Central Park, which I'm excited for because my girls on the running team will be coordinating outfits for the day! I also have two other races later in June which will set me up nicely right before marathon training begins again! 
Till then just running short miles and focusing on some strength training! I love running but a small break is healthy for recovery! Trying my best to keep up with the blogging, hope you guys are enjoying it so far!! Til next time, xoxo! 

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Brooklyn Half 2015

It's been a few days since the Brooklyn half, and I still have my runner's high! It was such a fun day to spend with my team!
The fun started Thursday when I went to the Brooklyn Half pre-party to pick up my race bib! I got to see my friends volunteering and ran into a few friends also getting bibs that day! Seeing them always makes the next few days before the race exciting! I went with my fiancé and we enjoyed a couple of beers, some tacos from the food trucks, and of course the beautiful view of the city from the Brooklyn Bridge!

Race day comes so quick for Brooklyn, since it's on a Saturday morning! On Friday I had gone to get my bib for the stair climb, and then had tickets to the Mets game at night, so there was hardly any rest for me leading to race day! I was pretty nervous too actually, because I knew I'd be pacing Amy, and I didn't want to fail her!
Before I knew it, it was 3:45am and I was awake and getting ready to head to Brooklyn! It's a long commute and I did not want to take my chances, so I made sure to head there early enough to give myself time to find Amy, use the porta potty, and take pictures of course! :) 
My stomach was giving me issues since I had woke up but I just told myself it was just pre race jitters! The weather was ok at the start, it was cloudy with a chance of rain but the air felt good with a promising run ahead of us! 
There were 5 of us running together at the start! Amy, Cari, Helena, Melissa, and I all started out strong with the crowd! We had planned on running with Heather but with 26,000 runners we never caught up to her, but she had had a great run with her husband! It was super crowded at the beginning but we had a good pace going and we were all smiles! Along the way Melissa paced ahead of us, and then it was us 4 til the end! We were running ahead of pace I was feeling great about it, and then....it rained! It started off slow, but then the sky opened up and it was a crazy downpour!! I love running in the rain when I am prepared to do so, but on Saturday I was in a tank and capris, with no hat to keep the water out of my face, and at times I felt like I was drowning lol! I mean really trying to run, and breathe, and see in crazy rain is hard to do! It slowed us down a bit, but we were still having a blast, and by the time we exited Prospect Park it was finally over!
I was so ready for Ocean Parkway, because it's flat and downhill to Coney Island!! It was so much fun, we were laughing, taking pictures, and our pace was ok till about 10 miles in, then exhaustion started to hit us but we were still all up beat and having a great run! Along the way we made friends with Team RWB, they were so bad ass, doing push ups, burpees, or mountain climbers at every mile marker! I was feeling super proud of my girl Amy because she just kept pushing along with us, and I never heard a complaint from her, she was so awesome! Cari and I kept ahead of Helena and Amy, so they could chase us down, and keep up the pace and it was working! Cari and I had a ton of girl talk along the way, and it was even fun for a few minutes when one of the fellas from Team RWB got a little flirty with me! I was flattered and he was sweet and harmless and gave all of us a good laugh!
Before we knew it we were at mile 12!! I could smell the beach! I love that smell so much, you have no idea! At that point we knew we missed our goal of under 3 hours, but with the rain, came the heat & humidity, and really we still did a pretty amazing job! Our next goal was to beat Amy's PR, and we were so close! That last mile I just kept pushing and I was annoying with my "let's go!"'s and " we got this!" I also almost made Amy cry when I mentioned her BFF sole sista Michelle! She was waiting for us handing out medals at the finish! The last mile was a breeze I was so happy to see our friends cheering on the sidelines, and next thing you know we were passing the infamous Cyclone roller coaster, and feet from the finish!
The beach was there, and all of us were cheering Amy on! When we crossed the finish I was so proud of her I wanted to cry! And then she saw Michelle and they hugged and cried for all of us! While we missed Amy's PR by a few seconds, she did PR the course! We also hope to beat her goal in October at the RnR Brooklyn Half! After the run we went for some grub, and feasted on beer and sliders!
The best part of this years Brooklyn Half was that I was able to run with my friends! It was so much fun, I love when I run with them, it made those 13 miles feel like we breezed right through them! I don't know if I'll do this race again next year, but I'm definetly looking forward to more runs with my running family! 

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Race Week!

It's race week! I'm actually nervous too, it's a double header weekend for me! The Brooklyn Half will be first up on Saturday morning, and then on Sunday morning the Tunnels 2 Towers Stair Climb!! My legs will be dead by Sunday afternoon!

It will be my 13th half marathon Saturday! And yes I still get nervous before each one! I always know I can finish, but I always get nervous of what could go wrong along the way. My main fear is usually my plantar fasciitis  pain, in the past I could run through it, but after marathon training, the pain has gotten more intense. I do my best to stretch, ice, and roll it, but some runs are totally fine, and then there are others where it rears its ugly  head, and leaves me feeling weak and challenged. As of late its been ok, I did run 11 miles two weeks ago, and managed to survive so I'm hopeful it will be ok in Brooklyn! I'm also pacing with my friends for this half, with the goal of finishing in under 3 hours, so that Amy (@theawesomemom on IG) will get her PR. Finishing in under 3 is easy for me, but I'm nervous because I hope and pray I can help Amy get that PR, I don't want to let her down, so I hope everything is on our side race morning, and that we can push to the finish she deserves!

Now the stair climb Sunday isn't my first, but it will be the most steps I've taken on, and the first time I'll be doing an event like this the day after a half marathon! I honestly did not realize that both events were in the same weekend til after I was registered! So I know usually how sore my body is the day after a half, and that stairs are the most difficult to maneuver the days after! 1,970 steps and 90 floors is definitely going to be a challenge come Sunday morning! But all I'm telling myself is that the finish time doesn't matter its the finish line that's the main goal and priority! Plus I raised money for the Stephen Siller Tunnel to Towers Foundation, which will use the funds towards improved homes for disabled vets and first responder families, so when my legs feel like giving up, I have to tell myself that I can do it!

I always try to prep right before race week, with tapering, and carb loading, but as usual that never happens! This week is so jammed packed for me I'll be lucky if I get enough sleep by Saturday night! So with 3 days away, my goals are to carb up at dinner today and tomorrow, get as much water in as I can, and sleep when I can!!

Tomorrow I will be heading to the Brooklyn Half pre party, by New Balance, so I will try to post before Saturday about it! I hope I get to see my running family, and take some fun pictures by the Brooklyn Bridge! I was supposed to volunteer too tomorrow at the pre party, but unexpectedly some work stuff came up so I can't do it, maybe next year! And on Friday I'll be getting my bib for the stair climb too! Lots of exciting stuff this weekend, so look out for some posts early next week about them!! Til then..xoxo!!

Sunday, May 10, 2015

On this day in history...

Recently Facebook added a feature to their site where users can see their post from years ago on the current day. I do like the feature because I'm given the memories I've shared with family and friends with my old posts and pictures, I can see how my life has changed along the way. But there's one thing too that it does...It reminds me of the painful past I've come from. I only started using Facebook religiously 6 years ago. And 6 years ago, my life was at a turning point.

On this day 6 years ago, I was experiencing the most painful break up with my first love. He and I had one roller coaster of a relationship, we had been together for 4 years, and experienced our fair share of highs and lows. We had so many good memories together, but at the end of our relationship, we both lost something, and made really bad decisions, hurt each other terribly, and really just fell apart. Sometimes I think back, and can pinpoint the second it all fell apart. In 2008, my ex witnessed one of his best friends commit suicide. They say suicide affects more than just the person who committed the act, and boy was it true. I didn't know his friend too well, but boy oh boy did it change my life forever. From that moment on, there was this anger, hurt, and pain in him, that I guess he didn't know how to handle. He took it out at the bar every single night, and then me when his drunken stupor took over. And then when the bar wasn't enough, drugs took over, then drunk motorcycle rides, then the verbal, mental, and physical abuse came. 

I was so lost in his love, and trying to figure out how to fix everything, that I just let him do whatever he needed to cope. I still remember the nights I was filled with pure terror. Not knowing if I would make it to see the next morning, I too would go to bed every night drunk, because I didn't feel the pain. That was also around the time my weight ballooned to just under 300lbs. I really didn't love myself because I put all my love into him and our relationship. I took each blow to the head, the painful hits, his hurtful words, in stride, and prayed to myself that it would get better one day. But in the process I lost friends who saw the bad changes in me, and I lost the trust of my family who couldn't believe that I let a guy control every waking moment of my day. 

And then in January of 2009, he left. He joined the military, and when he left, we were both a mess, but we needed to be away from each other, because together we were a cocktail of destruction. While he was away I found the strength to start cleaning up my life, and began my weight loss journey. But when I first started it was for him, because I had these high hopes that while he was out improving his life, and I started to make mine better, that he would come home and we would both see that we could be better together. He wrote me letters from boot camp, that would make my days bright and cheerful, he sent me pictures, and he even called me on Sundays whenever they allowed him to. I was so hopeful that things were going to look up for us.

But then on this day 6 years ago, he came home from boot camp, and I had taken the week off, because we had made plans to see each other and catch up of course. I remember the day vividly, because I called him the second I knew his plane had landed, it was also the first time in months his cell phone actually rang, I was so excited to hear his voice knowing he wasn't thousands of miles away anymore. When he answered, my world fell apart in seconds. He said, "Leave me alone, don't ever call me again, I never want to see you again." And like that my world flipped upside down. I was so confused because for the past few months our conversations never hinted that he would do this. To say I was heartbroken is an understatement. The fact that I was also on vacation was worse, because I had a whole week to myself to dwell on all my emotions. I was so depressed, I didn't want to see the light of day. I cried from the moment I woke up, until I fell asleep. I hardly got out of bed, and if I did it was by the forceful tone of my mother telling me to get over it. I became a hermit, I didn't wake up til the middle of the day, and I worked out for hours to occupy my mind, so that I would be exhausted an pass out at night. The most vivid memory of them all is that I didn't eat a thing that entire week, When I tried, I spit it right back up, and I had no appetite, what so ever. I was already on Weight Watchers for awhile, and I remember the following week when I had gone to my meeting that I had lost 8lbs that one week. And the funny part is that I never gained a single one of those 8lbs back ever! So metaphorically I think of the 8lbs as the dead weight of that relationship that weighed down on my life so negatively. It weighed down on my heart and soul, and took such a long time to recover from it. 

That relationship is the reason I started my weight loss journey, but its also the reason I learned to love myself. After that devastating week of my life, I found my fire, my strength to move on and explore all the opportunities the world offered. And the first thing that helped me get through it was running. I would run through the woods, and cry it out, and feel amazing afterwards. Running at that time was therapy, but it also made me so much more stronger to stand on my own. 

So when I look back on this day and history, and I think of that painful past, I'm reminded that I made it! I'm not the person I was 6 years ago, I'm a newer, stronger, confident version of myself. And I learned to love myself and all the things I'm capable of. While it was a hard experience to live through, I wouldn't change it for the world, I'm so much better because of it! 


Friday, May 8, 2015

5 Reasons I Run

This was an Instagram post originally but I think it's a topic worth sharing here. :)
1) Bc I never want to be who I was before 2009, it took a lot for me to get to where I am today, and I had to accept the ugly truth about lot of things about myself & the environment I was creating for myself at the time. But I found a strength in me that I never want to let go of, and with running I'm always one step ahead of the person I used to be!

2) Running has taken me places I've never imagined, I've run the entire tip of Manhattan, the 5 boroughs of NY, the Verrazano Bridge  (major!), Yankee Stadium, Bethlehem, PA, Hoboken, NJ, Las Vegas, and I can only imagine where else my feet will take me! It's pretty amazing to take in all the sites and sounds in different places, I love it!

3) Pizza!! I can eat a ton of pizza if it's realllllyyy good! So for almost every half marathon I've run, pizza is my carb loading choice of food! And my post run choice too....and my choice for any meal of the day!

4) My running family. My whole life I've always felt like I just never completely fit in socially, but this group of amazing individuals has made me feel like I have a second family! We all come from different places, but running unites us, and brings us together, for support, motivation, and life long friendships!

5) I run for me. Running has given me a second chance to live my life better. It has only done good things for me, and I never want to let go of it. Running makes me feel everything, sad, happy, angry, proud, excited, doubtful, etc...it's made me feel raw emotion, and it's given me a relationship with myself that I love. And there's nothing better than loving yourself and knowing you are worth it! 

Happy Cinco De Mayo!!

This past Tuesday was Cinco De Mayo, and I celebrated by going to Hoboken for the Casual Tuesday's fun! The run was hosted by Hoka, and they showed us a great time!

My friend Christina did an awesome job promoting the event, and had a huge turn out so it was a great success! It was a hot, muggy day in the 80s which made it feel like mid summer outside!

Before we started the run, we were all offered the opportunity to try on a pair of Hokas during the run. I've always been interested in the brand because of the padding on the soles of their shoes, and I suffer from plantar fasciitis, so I'm always looking for some relief from that pain! The pair I was given were super comfy, but kinda felt like I was wearing moon shoes, personally I don't think the Hokas are appealing to the eye, but what they lack in design, they make up for with overall comfort.
For this run we headed out toward Weehaken which was new to me, it was a flat run, out and back totaling 4 miles.  I was also flattered when Christina asked if I could be her co-DJ and run with a speaker playing her playlist from SoundCloud. I was initially worried bc I'm not as fast of a runner as majority of the people there, but then Christina introduced me to a runner named Pearl, who was new to distance running, and was worried she'd be at the back of the pack. So I decided I would help pace her, and it worked out fine! We were actually joined in the back by a few of the faster guys on my team who were running leisurely that day, and together we ran and sang, and got a few good laughs from people we passed along the way. 
The two mile mandatory dance break was a huge hit this week, and pretty interesting, but nonetheless a fun mid run break! It got all of us motivated to head back to the running store, and the last two miles felt easier than the first! 
When we returned to the store we were greeted with tacos and margaritas! How awesome is that?!?!? Totally worth the 4 miles trek! As we enjoyed our drinks and tacos there were raffle prizes given out from Hoka, and then Christina broke out a piñata! A boombox piñata! She filled that sucker with candy and goodies us runners really didn't need but, could make an excuse and use as fuel! 

Going to Hoboken is so much fun! There's no pressure to be the best or the faster, the only thing required is doing the best you can to have fun! Christina is so motivating and inspiring it's hard not to feed off her energy when your around her! I'm not too sure when I can make it to Hoboken next because my boss is away for about a month and I have to cover her, and then I go on vacation, but I'm gonna try my best to make it out to Hoboken again.
Hoboken is always a blast, but spending time with my running family is worth the traveling to make some pretty stellar memories! 
Til next time, 
Xoxo 😘

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

New Obsession!

So I have been obsessed with taking spin classes lately! My friend Kathleen got me back into it a few months back when she invited my running team to the Peloton cycle studio in Chelsea. One class and I was totally hooked!

But my spin obsession didn't start there, a few years ago when I was working for NYSC as a membership consultant, I had taken my first spin class, and loved it so much I was taking classes a few times a week. But then as I got more into training for half marathons, I stopped taking classes, I also left the gym, and the new gym I joined only offered classes twice a week. So when Kathleen had invited me to Peloton it was one of my first classes in about a year!
Peloton is a very high end spin studio, but worth every penny! The classes are exhilarating, the atmosphere is positive, and the customer service is always on the money!

Now the classes, instructors, and bikes are what make Peloton addicting!! The bike looks like your standard spin bike, with a tablet attached to the front of the bike, and weights on the back. There are two types of Peloton bikes, the studio version and at home version. The studio version has a smaller screen attached to it, and when you arrive to class you can login to your account, and compete on the leaderboard to see how you measure up against the rest of the class! The tablet displays RPM, output, and resistance, and at the end of class your rank against everyone else. The at home version of the bike (which I'm totally considering putting that as the only thing on my bridal registry) is exactly the same, just with a much larger water resistant tablet(shown above) where you can stream classes live, save classes to your DVR, and pretty much be a rockstar in the comfort of your living room! I mean really who wouldn't want that!?!
When you arrive to the studio and check in, all riders are provided a bottle of water, and spin shoes. The locker room area is probably the only negative out of everything at Peloton, it's really small, and after a class gets really crowded, hot, and makes getting refreshed after a little bit of a hassle. I arrive pretty early to class to avoid the crowd and to find a locker! They have a digital locker system, which is convenient when you don't have a lock, but also an inconvenience bc there are quite a few lockers that don't work anymore, so getting a locker is a priority for me so I try to get there as early as I can! 
The classes are led by amazing instructors, and the class I take usually on Fridays, is led by my fave Robin Arzon. Her attitude toward health, fitness, and life are motivating and inspirational! She brings a unique energy to the class, that makes her feel like your best girlfriend opposed to a fitness trainer! The class I take also features a live DJ! The DJ really changes the energy within the class, the DJ plays amazing music, and gets everyone fired up! 
The class incorporates interval training, hill work, speed work, and upper body with weights halfway through the class. And by the end of class, I'm one hot sweaty mess! And I love it!! I usually let go of all the stress from the work week at that class, and use it to start my weekend off right! 

Did I also mention your first class is free!?! So try it if your in the NYC area, you def won't regret it! And if you have an iPad for a limited time you can download the app for free and stream classes and use your own spin bike if you have one!

I'm glad my new obsession is a healthy one! Def ain't cheap but the experiences are totally worth it, I feel so good about myself after each class!! 
Also these are my own opinions, I'm not connected to Peloton in any other way, besides being a participant in their classes, but I just wanted to share because Peloton is worth finding out about! Anyways till next time!!! Xoxo